Better Behaving robots: Researcher receives global recognition.

ANU researcher Hanna Kurniawati and her team receive global recognition with the Robotics Science and Systems Test of Time award. Kurniawati and her team’s contributions in the field of robotics are prominent in developing better behaving robots.

Hanna kurniawati has spent many years in research for finding reliable ways to build smart, and ethically behaving robots that can not only think like us but empathize too. “I think there needs to be a differentiation as to whether artificial intelligence (AI) and robots are behaving ethically and whether the development of AI and robots is done ethically,” Associate Professor Kurniawati says. She had published her work on how to get robots to behave well in the year 2008 with co-authors from the National University of Singapore (NUS).


The research team is now working on software tools that help robots to take the right decision according to situation demands. Associate Professor Kurniawati added, “Our 2008 work is really just the tip of the iceberg in terms of how promising the future of AI is, Interestingly, our methods have also been applied outside of robotics, such as helping identify vulnerabilities in computer networks.”

The ongoing research is relevant since the AI systems can provide the best strategies, but the implementation requires a robot that is robust enough to operate under harsh environmental conditions.

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