Apple to bring Face ID technology to iMac..!

The tech giant Apple is planning to bring face ID technology to Mac computers in a couple of years. Face ID technology is not new to the iPhone series since it has been the primary security feature for years now.

Bloomberg’s reporter Furman says in his newsletter that, “Apple’s ultimately  to shift all its products to Face ID, including lower-end iPhones like the iPhone SE series, which currently continue to use Touch ID, Apple’s fingerprint sensor implementation.”

“It won’t happen this year, but I’d bet Face ID on the Mac is coming within a couple of years. I expect all iPhones and iPads to transition to Face ID within that timeframe, too,” Gurman says in his report. Facial recognition provides two advanced features to the iPhone: Security and augmented reality.

Gurman further added that Apple will embed face ID technology to the screen and eliminate the need for a notch on Apple iPhones. Such phones are expected to come into the market as early as 2023.

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