Mangalore: A 10-year-old amputee girl from Udupi has emerged as the rare achiever amid the Covid-19 pandemic as she managed to stitch as many as 15 masks with her single hand. Sindhuri does not have her left hand below her elbow, by birth. The masks were distributed to the SSLC students who were appearing for exams in the morning today. Sindhuri, a sixth standard student of Mount Rosary English Medium School at Santhekatte Kallianpur, is a scout and guide, which has an ambitious target of stitching one lakh masks for the people. “It was the target of scout and guide wings to distribute 1 lakh mask to the SSLC students. I stitched 15 masks. Initially, I was hesitant to stitch with a single hand. My mother supported me to stitch the mask. Now all are appreciating me,” she said while speaking to ANI.
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