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ICG loaded antioxidant functionalized protein nanoparticles for targeted detection of cancer cells in sentinal lymph node.

  Cancers of the oral cavity, oropharynx, supraglottis and hypopharynx are associated with a significant risk of metastatic cancer in the draining regional lymph nodes which is undetectable by standard clinical and radiological investigations. The current methodologies involve the injection of a radioactive substance, a blue dye, or both, near the tumor. it has however brought up two limitations- a) a suboptimal sensitivity with occasional false negative results; b) and toxicity and wastage problems associated with radioactive materials and the convetionally used blue dyes which may cause allergic reactions and…

Piezoelectric effect: a new possibility of effective energy utilization

We have heard and seen many form of energies in our daily life such as: solar energy, wind energy, geothermal energy, tidal energy (eco-friendly and renewable), petroleum (non eco-friendly and non-renewable) one of the biggest form of energy present on our planet and such as many more. All the above energies are used according to their geographical area or there where the energy source is proportionally present. Like the wind energy is mostly used in coastal areas because of the high pressure of the air in that region. Mutually other…

National Mission on Interdisciplinary Cyber-Physical Systems

National Mission on Interdisciplinary Cyber-Physical Systems (NM-ICPS) addresses the ever increasing technological requirements of the society, and takes into account the international trends and road maps of leading countries for the next generation technologies. A cyber-physical system (CPS) is an orchestration of computers and physical systems. Embedded computers monitor and control physical processes, usually with feedback loops, where physical processes affect computations and vice versa. As an intellectual challenge, CPS is about the intersection, not the union, of the physical and the cyber. It combines engineering models and methods from…

Diagnostic Radiology

Radiology has participated in the recent trend towards computerized management in the health service and has responded to the demand for cost efficient and rapid communication between departments of radiology and their users. Distal imaging acquisition has become the standard for modern equipment used in ultrasonography, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, angiography and radionuclide radiology. All types of diagnostic images can now be acquired as distal signals. Digital imaging and development in computer technology and telecommunication mean that the filmless radiology department is technically feasible. Computed Tomography: Faster image acquisition…

Blockchain can change the Agricultural Sector in India Forever

Blockchain has been the buzzword for quite some time now. The aura surrounding the ‘bitcoins,’ gave its underlying technology ‘blockchain’ an unprecedented limelight. While bitcoins legality and future in India is still in doldrums, blockchain has the capacity to disrupt the ever stressed agrarian sector. What is Blockchain? In technical terms, blockchain is defined as a distributed and decentralized ledger. Unlike traditional systems, where transactions are stored in physical ledger or in a single database; blockchain felicitates every member to store transaction in a decentralized data log maintained on the…

Why Indian Industry needs a Real Robotics Vision to Flourish

Robotics is transforming the world economy, now India has a chance to stand as a role model. Or, else India will become irrelevant. How will the Indian government and business leaders make a change in Indian economy? Indian industries have a new obstacle in their way – robots. Thankfully, research foundations and big MNC are already conscious of innovations ranging from nanotechnology and genomics to materials science and energy. However, robotics is one of the areas where India lacks and this could cause the most instant disturbance. Developed countries like…