Facebook rebranding: All you need to know

Facebook rebranding: All you need to know

Mark Zuckerberg revealed on Thursday that Facebook’s corporate name will henceforth be Meta. As a result, when CEO Mark Zuckerberg revealed “one more thing” late Thursday during the Facebook Connect 2021 event, many guessed right that the rebranding was set to be announced. However, as multiple viral social media posts indicate, this does not imply that Facebook social media will become Meta.

However, the rebranding doesn’t seem to go well, since Facebook lost out on the @meta Instagram handle since a motorcycling magazine had already taken it. Interestingly, Facebook obtained the @meta handle on Twitter but not on Instagram, its own platform.

Facebook currently controls the domain name meta.com on Google. However, as Quartz first reported, the company has changed its Instagram handle to @wearameta rather than @meta.

Teddy Schleifer, a reporter based in Silicon Valley, notes out that the Meta brand was owned by the Chan Zuckerberg Science Initiative, a nonprofit organization that Zuckerberg acquired in 2017. Schleifer further mentions that the Chan Zuckerberg Science Initiative recently transferred Meta brand assets to Facebook. Meta, Facebook’s new parent company name, is more than simply a rebranding or public relations exercise for the social media behemoth, which is involved in a slew of scandals. Some are even pointing to statistics on how people work in various countries, including India. However, the company promotes it as “the next chapter in the company’s history.”

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