Flying Taxi’s & Quiet drones: Next level of technology

The investors will make it big on projects for developing ever better drones vertical take-off and landing passenger vehicles because of the rapid development of technology behind it. A startup named whisper aero thinking it’s time to develop next generation drones & taxis. The founder of the company Mr. Moore a former National Aeronautics and Space Administration engineer announced that whisper has developed a design that will result in noise free consumer drones.

Moore was working with NASA research groups on designs around drones and aircrafts. he also published a paper on the possibilities of electric aircrafts that could take off and land vertically. There are almost 400 companies trying to make quieter vehicles and most of them received huge fund to go after the market. The biggest achievement now will be designing working prototypes.

Whispers technology is creating a new thruster design includes novel take on propellers, motors, control systems and how all these components fit into a vehicle’s airframe. Mr. Moore is confident that he and whisper technologies will take the industry from propeller age to electric jet age.