Former Microsoft VP of HR Reveals Types of Employees at Risk of Layoffs

As companies around the world continue to navigate the COVID-19 pandemic impact, many are facing the difficult decision of laying off employees. In a recent interview with India Today, former Microsoft VP of HR, Kathleen Hogan, revealed the types of employees that are most at risk of being laid off.

According to Hogan, the three types of employees that are at most risk of being laid off are:

Employees who are not performing well: If an employee is not meeting the company’s performance expectations, they may be at risk of being laid off.

Employees who are not flexible: In today’s fast-paced business environment, companies need employees who can adapt to change and be flexible. If an employee is resistant to change, they may be at risk of being laid off.

Employees who are not aligned with the company’s goals: If an employee is not aligned with the company’s goals and values, they may be at risk of being laid off.

On the other hand, Hogan also revealed the two types of employees that are considered the safest during layoffs:

High performers: Employees who consistently meet or exceed the company’s expectations are less likely to be laid off.

Employees who are cross-functional: Employees who have skills and experience across multiple departments or areas of the company are less likely to be laid off because they are more valuable to the company.

Hogan emphasized that layoffs are never easy, but companies need to make difficult decisions to ensure their long-term sustainability. She also stressed the importance of treating employees with respect and dignity throughout the process.