India Tops List of Global Internet Shut-Offs: Report


A recent report has highlighted that India has topped the list of countries with the highest number of internet shutdowns. This is a disturbing trend for a country that is rapidly digitizing and moving towards a more connected future.

The report, published by digital rights group Access Now, revealed that there were 109 instances of internet shutdowns in India in 2020 alone. This is a staggering number that is significantly higher than any other country in the world.

Internet shutdowns occur when governments or authorities order the blocking of internet access to a specific region or the entire country. This can happen for various reasons, including to maintain law and order during protests, prevent the spread of fake news, or to control the narrative during sensitive political situations.

While internet shutdowns are meant to be a temporary measure, they can have serious long-term consequences. The disruption of communication channels can cause economic losses, disrupt essential services, and impede the flow of information. Furthermore, it can also violate the fundamental right to freedom of speech and expression, which is enshrined in the Indian Constitution.

India has a complicated relationship with the internet, and the government has previously come under fire for its internet policies. In 2019, the Indian government passed the controversial Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA), which led to widespread protests across the country. The government responded by shutting down the internet in several regions, including parts of the capital Delhi. The internet shutdown lasted for several weeks, and it is estimated to have caused losses of up to $1.3 billion.

The report by Access Now has called for the Indian government to end the practice of internet shutdowns and to adopt more transparent policies regarding the internet. The report also suggests that the Indian government should look to other countries, such as Brazil and Estonia, for guidance on how to regulate the internet in a way that does not violate human rights.

Internet shutdowns are a serious threat to the free flow of information and can have severe long-term consequences. While there may be valid reasons for shutting down the internet, governments must ensure that these measures are temporary, transparent, and do not violate human rights. As India continues to digitize and move towards a more connected future, it is crucial that the government takes steps to ensure that the internet remains open and accessible to all.