MCEME Receives Best AI Solution for Defence Services at GAISA Awards 4.0

New Delhi,26-01-2024 — The Military College of Electronics and Mechanical Engineering (MCEME) clinched the “Best AI Solution for Defence Services” award at GAISA Awards 4.0, reaffirming its commitment to innovation in defense technology. Renowned for technical training excellence, MCEME has been a pioneer in integrating Artificial Intelligence (AI) since 2018.

MCEME’s winning project, an AI-based Accident Prevention System, addresses accidents caused by driver drowsiness. The device monitors real-time facial and eye expressions, identifying indicators of drowsiness and triggering timely alerts. Successful trials in diverse terrains highlight the system’s effectiveness in military and civilian transport.

The patented system is now in mass production for implementation in Army vehicles, showcasing MCEME’s dedication to advancing AI capabilities in defence services. Ongoing technology transfer initiatives for civilian applications underscore MCEME’s role as a leader in the integration of AI for enhanced safety and efficiency.

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