Meta Platforms Set to Unveil AI-Powered Chatbots with Unique Personalities in September

Meta Platforms, the parent company of Facebook, is gearing up to introduce a diverse range of artificial intelligence (AI) powered chatbots with distinct personalities as early as September, as reported by the Financial Times. These chatbots are designed to engage users in human-like conversations, aiming to enhance user engagement across Meta’s social media platforms. The company has been diligently developing prototypes for these chatbots, drawing inspiration from historical figures like Abraham Lincoln and adopting fun themes like that of a surfer to offer travel advice. These AI-driven chatbots are expected to serve as a new search function and provide personalized recommendations to users.

The move comes at a critical time for Meta, as it seeks to retain users on its newly launched text-based app, Threads. The app encountered a significant drop in users shortly after its launch on July 5. Consequently, Meta’s focus has shifted to bolstering retention rates and ensuring a positive user experience on the platform.

While Meta has not yet responded to requests for comment from Reuters, the company is riding on the back of a strong performance in advertising revenue, as indicated in its recent earnings report. The company’s third-quarter revenue forecast surpassed market expectations, indicating a positive trajectory despite the challenges it faced in 2022.

Last year was a tough one for Meta, as it underwent an austerity drive that led to a reduction of approximately 21,000 employees. However, the company’s fortunes have been improving, buoyed by the growing excitement around emerging AI technologies. The exploration of AI-powered chatbots aligns with Meta’s strategy to leverage cutting-edge technology to enhance user engagement and satisfaction.

Interestingly, Meta is not alone in exploring AI chatbot offerings. Apple is also delving into the field, with plans to introduce AI-driven chatbots akin to OpenAI’s ChatGPT and Google’s Bard. Apple’s internal framework, referred to as ‘Ajax,’ has been instrumental in developing large language models for their AI offerings. Engineers at Apple have been testing a chatbot dubbed ‘Apple GPT,’ signaling the tech giant’s ambition to tap into the potential of AI technology to enhance user experiences.

As the race to develop advanced AI-powered chatbots intensifies, users can expect to see more innovative and personalized interactions across various digital platforms. From Meta’s diverse range of chatbot personalities to Apple’s AI-powered offerings, the AI revolution is set to redefine how users interact with technology in the digital age. As September approaches, the launch of Meta’s new AI chatbots will undoubtedly be a noteworthy development to watch, potentially reshaping the landscape of social media engagement.