Windows 11 has been making the headlines ever since Microsoft rolled out the beta version of the Operating system. Along with many new features and a brand new design, Microsoft announces minimum system requirements for upgrading to Windows 11. Discussions were around Microsoft’s decision to leave older generation processors from the windows 11 compatibility list. The tech giants finally reveal their reasons behind the big decision.
Windows 11 enhances the level of security by requiring hardware that can enable protections like windows hello, device encryption, virtualization-based security, hypervisor-protected code integrity, and secure boot. These features are expected to reduce malware by 60 percentage. To be compatible with the above principle, all windows 11 supported CPUs have an embedded TPM, Support secure boot, and support VBS and specific VBS capabilities.
Upgradation to windows 11 OS require a processor that adopts New windows driver model and are supported by OEM and silicon partners that achieved 99.8 percentage crash-free experience.
Windows 11 is designed to be compatible with the applications we use. It has the fundamentals of 2 core processors,4 GB memory, and 64 GB of storage.
Get full updates on windows 11 before you start upgrading to it.