NITI Aayog includes 45 tech startups in its initial compilation of enterprises

NITI Aayog includes 45 tech startups in its initial compilation of enterprises

Forty-five health-tech startups were included in the federal policy think tank NITI Aayog’s initial compilation of enterprises nurtured under a scheme to encourage innovation and entrepreneurship.

These companies’ technologies include portable health care devices that can be used at home, such as electrocardiogram (ECG) equipment, robotic arms capable of performing surgery, and a wearable device that alerts parents 24-hours before a pregnancy turns into a stillbirth, as shown in a list of innovative solutions released by these companies.

The compilation, titled ‘Innovations for You,’ covers the start-ups fostered under the flagship initiative Atal Innovation Mission. According to NITI Aayog, these companies have developed new, disruptive, and innovative products, services, and solutions that can pave the way for a more sustainable future.

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