SpaceX Crew Dragon Delivers Two Astronauts to International Space Station !!!

Around 24 hours after launching from Florida, SpaceX’s Crew Dragon capsule delivered NASA astronauts”Bob Behnken” & “Doug Hurley” to the International Space Station on Sunday, marking the first US space capsule to do so with a crew since 2011. The space station’s current crew welcomed them aboard with the hugs and handshakes on schedule at 1:25pm EDT (10:55pm IST), after executing the critical spacecraft docking milestone and kicking off the crew’s potentially months-long stay in the orbital laboratory.

Applause could be heard from the station’s downlink to mission control in ‘Houston’, Texas as Behnken, 49, & Hurley 53, became the first American astronauts launched to the station from US soil in nearly a decade.

“I will tell you, the whole world saw in this mission, and we are , so proud for everything you have done for our country and in fact to inspire the world,” NASA administrator “Jim Bridenstine” said on a phone line through mission control…