WebOccult Technologies Wins Prestigious Best Use of AI Award at GAISA 4.0

New Delhi, 24-01-2024WebOccult Technologies Private Limited, a prominent player in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI), has secured the coveted “Best Use of AI” award at the prestigious GAISA 4.0 event. Under the leadership of Ruchir Kakkad, WebOccult Technologies has demonstrated outstanding achievements in the AI domain, focusing on high accuracy, reduced latency, and cost-effectiveness. The company, with over 5 years of AI expertise, caters to diverse industries such as Manufacturing, Supply Chain & Logistics, Sports, and Retail.

Innovative Policing Solutions with Face Recognition AI

WebOccult Technologies showcased its commitment to innovative AI applications through a groundbreaking collaboration with the Gujarat Police. The company’s Face Recognition Solution, aimed at criminal identification, has proven instrumental in notifying authorities about individuals on bail, registered criminals, missing persons, and more. This initiative played a pivotal role in WebOccult Technologies clinching the Best Use of AI award at GAISA 4.0.

Strategic Vision for Future AI Initiatives

The successful implementation of AI-powered solutions, notably at the Rajkot Lok Mela, where 12 out of 344 listed criminals were identified, has positioned WebOccult Technologies as a leader in the AI space. Looking ahead, the company envisions expanding AI-driven solutions to at least 50 public spaces by 2025, including airports, railway stations, and bus stations. WebOccult Technologies aims to collaborate with government officials and law enforcement agencies to address challenges in missing persons cases, traffic enforcement, public place monitoring, identity document verification, post-incident investigation, and access control at sensitive locations.

WebOccult Technologies’ receipt of the Best Use of AI award is a testament to its commitment to pushing the boundaries of AI technology for societal benefit. The company’s innovative solutions underscore the transformative impact of AI in addressing real-world challenges and advancing public safety and law enforcement capabilities.