Disappearing message feature for iOS in the latest beta version

Facebook owned WhatsApp’s most hyped feature disappearing messages is coming on iOS with the latest beta version of the app. The feature allows the user to set a time limit on message after which it will be erased automatically from the chat window. At the time of launch, it was available only on android phones but according to the latest reports, iOS users may soon get to know the feature.

as per the reports, another interesting fact is popping up as there will be an option to send disappearing media which will vanish once the recipient opens it. This feature is called ‘VIEW ONCE ‘and said to be available in both android and iOS. This is like the disappearing image feature by Instagram.

WhatsApp always tend to encourage authentic and intimate conversations by providing at most security. This feature is now on testing phase, but it won’t take longer to be available on our WhatsApp instant message application.

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