Telegram has announced a significant upgrade that will remove the limit on the number of people that may see a livestream. The software has also enhanced the way messages are transferred across conversations, and it now includes a function that recommends popular stickers to users. Telegram will also display whenever a user selects a sticker during a chat. In addition, new animated stickers will be distributed to users. Furthermore, Telegram has reportedly discontinued support for its Wear OS app, as it is no longer available for download from the Google Play store on Wear OS.
Telegram 8.0, the latest major upgrade to the instant messaging service, adds the option to have an infinite audience for a livestream. When starting a livestream in a Channel or a Group Video Call, hosts may now entertain an infinite number of people. The audience can also raise their hands and join the broadcast if the host allows it.
Telegram has also made it easier for users to pass messages across chats. They may now preview the messages they forward in a separate window that shows how the messages will look before they are delivered. Users can also hide the original sender’s name, hide captions, deselect messages they don’t want to send, and alter the recipient if desired.
Users may now scroll between many Channels indefinitely without having to quit one if the content in it has concluded. Users may instantly skip to the next Channel by swiping up from the bottom of the Channel.