Telegram founder and CEO, Pavel Durov, recently announced that the popular messaging app will be introducing a new feature called Telegram Stories, similar to Instagram’s Stories. With competitors like Snapchat, Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp already offering this feature, Telegram aims to provide users with enhanced functionality and greater privacy control. In this article, we will delve into the details of Telegram Stories and explore the unique features it brings to the table.
- Telegram Stories: A New Way to Share: Telegram Stories will appear in a dedicated bar at the top of the screen, ensuring it doesn’t occupy excessive space. Users will be able to add and post photos and videos captured simultaneously from both front and back cameras, akin to the existing ‘Video Messages’ feature in the app. This allows for more dynamic and engaging story content.
- Granular Privacy Control: One of the standout features of Telegram Stories is its emphasis on privacy control. Users will have the ability to hide their stories from specific contacts by adding them to the ‘Hidden’ list in the ‘Contacts’ section. Additionally, Telegram Stories will offer granular controls for sharing, including options such as sharing with everyone, selected contacts, people in the contact list with exceptions, and a list of close friends. This level of control ensures that users can tailor their story audience according to their preferences.
- Flexible Time Limits: Unlike Instagram, where stories automatically disappear after 24 hours, Telegram Stories allows users to choose their desired time limit. Users can opt for time intervals of 6, 12, 24, or 48 hours, or even choose to permanently display a story on their user profile. This flexibility gives users more freedom in managing their story content and its lifespan.
- Upcoming Release and Recent Additions: According to Durov, Telegram Stories are currently in the final testing phase and are scheduled to roll out to all users in early July. This exciting addition follows another recent feature update that enables users to create a custom username without the need to share their phone number. These constant innovations highlight Telegram’s commitment to providing a feature-rich and privacy-focused messaging experience.
Telegram’s upcoming introduction of Stories demonstrates its dedication to evolving and expanding its feature set to meet user demands. With its focus on privacy control and customizable sharing options, Telegram aims to provide users with a unique and personalized story-sharing experience. As the release of Telegram Stories approaches, users can look forward to yet another engaging and privacy-centric feature within the messaging app.